Goal: $25,000

Help spread the word

About this fundraiser:

Immaculate Heart of Mary School is where student learning thrives, and children feel at home! Incredible students attend our school, led by our amazing IHM faculty and staff, who believe that the relationship between home and school are key to optimal learning. We could not engage in the wonderful learning opportunities and the fun things we do here at IHM without your monetary support. Please know that no amount is too small. Our $25,000 school goal will be used directly to the goals listed below. All funds raised go directly to benefit the students of Immaculate Heart of Mary School.

Your donations will help pay for:

  • building maintenance, including window and bathroom repairs
  • improving the curb appeal of our school building
  • additional needed upgrades

All participants:

$34,209 raised
of $25,000 goal
Raised $1,270
Raised $900
Raised $900
Raised $535
Raised $535
Raised $500
Raised $500
Raised $450
Raised $430
Raised $400

Top Donations

Diane, Anita and Judy Stanczak

Always do your best!

Diane, Anita and Judy Stanczak

You are almost at the finish line!


Love you McKayla & Giuliana!

Jed and Grammy Dunphy

So proud of you Izzy!!

Jed and Grammy Dunphy

So proud of you Stella!!