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About this fundraiser:
St. Anselm School continues to show our STRENGTH supported by a Community of BELIEVERS, LEARNERS & FRIENDS by providing a safe learning environment for the students. Now is the time to continue to show how STRONG we will continue to be.
We are excited to kick off the annual #StAnselmStrong/Race for Education for 2023. We look forward to being together for Race for Education on Friday, April 14th.
It is critical we pull together as we did last year and support this campaign. This is our largest fundraiser event of the year that gives funds directly back to the school to support various STEM, Arts and early childhood education initiatives.
We know the Saint Anselm School Community is up to the challenge.
We understand times are very tough for people, both financially and emotionally. You are all in our school community's thoughts and prayers.
Your donations will help pay for:
- Technology
- Arts Programs
- Early Childhood Education
All participants:

Palmer is the best granddaughter wcwe